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The BAWAD History


Bayawan Water District, a very small water district with its humble beginnings, from a defunct NAWASA turning into a local Water District by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 198 otherwise known as the Local Water utilities Act of 1973. It was born into a district under SB Resolution No. 79, dated May 26, 1982, by then Honorable Mayor Felix Gaudiel, Jr.

National Water Association (NAWASA)

A 400 cu.m. reinforced concrete ground reservoir located at Muyao, Banga at elevation 50 meter above sea level was constructed in 1940. About 5,800 lineal meters of 4"Ø C.I. pipes were laid in 1940. A 210 lineal meters 4"Ø G.I. pipe connects the intake dam to the 16 cu.m. auxiliary tank at Manampa watershed.

In 1956, additional transmission of 636 lineal meters 6"Ø C.I. pipes were laid and 490 lineal meters 6"Ø P.E. laid in 1979. In 1980, additional pipes were laid; around 2,366.50 meters 3"Ø G.I. pipes; 486.20 meters 2"Ø G.I. pipes; and 1,292.50 meters 1"- 1½"Ø at the distribution area.

The Water System had encountered problems some of which are numerous leaks in its transmission and distribution pipelines and reduction of available water supply at the service area. Also, during heavy rains, Manampa spring is affected by surface run-off, thus making it turbid during these times.

The local Government of Bayawan decided to create a water district under the law of PD 198 to address the meager resources of the government under the able leadership of Honorable Felix Gaudiel, Jr.

By October 4, 1982, it was formally recognized as a water utility and was correspondingly issued a Conditional Certificate of Conformance No. 221; thus, operating under the rules and regulations of PD 198 otherwise known as the Local Water Utilities Act of 1973. More so, the generosity of the City government of Bayawan through the able leadership of Honorable Mayor German P. Saraña, Jr. extended an additional 17 million pesos grant to BAWAD in year 2004.

Through this elegant and generous act of the LGU, BAWAD was able to bring down its water tariff from 148.00 to 100.00 per 10 cubic meter consumption. A staggering 32% reduction in tariff redounds to greater economic benefit to Bayawanons. Cheaper water rated for all!!!


1. Brgy.Ali-is

2. Brgy. Banga

3. Brgy. Boyco

4. Brgy. Bugay

5. Brgy. Cansumalig

6. Brgy. Caranoche

7. Brgy. Dawis

8. Brgy. Kalamtukan

9. Brgy. Malabugas

10 Brgy. Manduao

11. Brgy. Maninihon

12. Brgy. Minaba

13. Brgy. Nangka

14. Brgy. Narra

15. Brgy. Poblacion

16. Brgy. Poblacion, Sta. Catalina

17. Brgy. San Jose

18. Brgy. San Roque

19. Brgy. San Isidro

20. Brgy. Suba

21. Brgy. Tinago

22. Brgy. Ubos

23. Brgy. Villareal

24. Brgy. Villasol

Bayawan City Service Map copy.jpg
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